Post-Bariatric Surgery

Individuals who have undergone bariatric surgery for health or weight loss benefit may experience post-surgical complications that impact medical and behavioral health. Post-surgical complications may include; depression, anxiety, mood disorders, eating and feeding disorders, and negative body image.


Behavioral Health Symptoms

Symptoms of behavioral health problems or eating disorders may precede or follow bariatric surgery.
These may include:

  • Poor body image and/or poor body experience in response to unexpected or undesirable body changes.

  • Change in taste, preference, or interest in eating.

  • Fearful or anxious response to thoughts about eating, eating episodes or exposure to certain foods.

  • Feeling nauseous after eating.

  • Difficulty sleeping.

  • Periods of lost control when eating.

  • Episodes of overeating that leave you feeling physically or mentally uncomfortable, nauseous.

  • Substantial change in thoughts about drinking alcohol and/or intense or dangerous response to consuming even small amounts of alcohol.



The ASCEND Team offers individualized support both before and after bariatric surgery procedures. The benefits of this kind of specialized support includes:

  • Sustain positive mood and energy.

  • Monitor risk of eating disorder and/or alcohol or cannabis addictions.

  • Receive early intervention and support should behavioral health complications arise.

  • Monitor and support overall health and well-being.

  • Avoid severe nutritional deficiency.

  • Sustain positive benefits of weight loss.




Bone health may be compromised under some health conditions and especially those conditions characterized by a dramatic change in general health status, hormone related health, and/or rapid or dramatic weight loss:

  • Post-bariatric surgery

  • Illnesses such as cancer

  • Periods of immobility or non-weight bearing activity

  • Pregnancy

  • Post menopausal conditions

  • Chronic malnutrition

  • Chronic low body weight

  • Eating disorders

  • Medication related side effects

Ascend, in collaboration with Chicago Biodensity, offers osteogenic loading services to preserve bone mass and facilitate bone restoration in our Chicago, Northbrook, and Champaign-Urbana locations.