Binge Eating Disorder


Binge Eating Disorder
(BED) is the most commonly occurring eat disorder. BED is depicted by episodes of eating large quantities of food in a shorter period of time with an associated sense of loss of control. Binge eating episodes, even when not sufficiently frequent to fully meet diagnostic criteria, are often followed by guilt, remorse, sadness and frustration. Additionally, it is common for binge eating episodes to be followed by intense worry about weight gain, body shape and health.



The following factors may increase risk of BED :

  • restrictive eating or dieting

  • a period of weight loss

  • pressure to lose weight

  • living in an insecure food environment

  • limited variety of foods consumed

  • use of certain medications or response to
    some medical treatments

  • poor quality sleep or sleep deprivation

  • history of body or weight related teasing, bullying, and/or discrimination



Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is often the most misunderstood eating disorder.
The four bullet-point statements below are false:

  • binge eating should be easily corrected

  • binge eating only happens if an individual lacks willpower

  • individuals who binge just don’t care about their health

  • individuals who binge should correct the problem without professional help

The staff from Ascend will utilize the most current and effective strategies to expedite recovery and preserve emotional and physical health. Ascend’s treatment process subscribes to a no shame and no blame approach and addresses both the binge eating behavior and any associated weight and/or body image concerns. Restoring confidence and sense of agency is our priority!